According to ABC News, teenagers spend an average of seven hours a day on social media. In that time, they will consume numerous forms of entertainment and take in an enormous amount of information, from sports to politics to relationships and fashion.
The magic of social media is that we don’t have to convince our target audience to login to see what we’resharing. They are already there. The question is; how do we create profiles and content that are captivating enough for them to notice us and engage with us?
Creating content that educates, informs, inspires, and relates to our target demographic will build a relationship with our client before ever meeting her. It will teach her that our center is a safe space if an unexpected pregnancy occurs.
Because we have seen the need for our center(s) to move with the trends of social media to engage women that may be in an unplanned pregnancy situation, we are in the process of updating/adding a new client website so that we can post content that is beneficial to them. We want to grow our audience and engage with our community by building relationships with potential clients even before they need our services.
Please be a part of this great adventure of meeting our clients’ needs through social media. To run websites and other social media outlets is an expense, but the reward is great when a baby’s life is saved because it started with a simple click on our website!
Please consider donating financially to help us stay on top of our social media platforms so we can attract and engage with young women in a way they understand and are used to.
In His Service,
Teresa Faber
Executive Director