So often, in abortion decisions, the man/father is the most prominent voice in that decision. A study by CareNet showed that 74% of men said their partner discussed this decision with them prior to having an abortion. This is significantly higher than any other person/group.
Which might leave one to wonder, would there be less abortions if the man didn’t have a voice?! Should we silence the father? Would the child have a better chance of survival if the father wasn’t in the picture?
I would suggest the answer is NOT to silence the father! The answer is to equip and educate young men to become a father with a strong voice for Truth and a desire to lead his family in the Lord.
Let’s look at some other stats*…children who grow up WITH an involved father in the home:
Have healthier relationships; 7 times less likely to become pregnant as a teen.
Feel safer and more confident; 10 times less likely to be abused.
Do better in school; 2 times less likely to drop out of school.
More likely to stay out of trouble; less likely to go to prison/less likely to commit a crime.
Have better physical health; 2 times more likely to be fit.
Better able to control their emotions; 4 times less likely to have a mood disorder (like depression or anxiety).
Less likely to use and abuse drugs and alcohol.
Less likely to be poor; 4 times less likely to live in poverty.
*stats from the National Fatherhood Initiative
Every day there are men who are denied the option to keep their child because pro-abortion activists say, “it’s not his body, he doesn’t get a choice!” And every day there are men that suffer intense heartbreak for the loss of their child because they have no one in their life telling them they not only have a voice but they have a responsibility to their child. Our community and world NEED men to stand up for Truth, whether it directly affects them or not. Because at the end of the day, abortion truly affects EVERYONE! Please take a few minutes to watch the video in this article to hear from men of many different abortion situations and consider what the Lord might have you do to be an advocate for Truth in our community!
“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline of the Lord.” -Ephesians 6:4